Manas Nayak
4 min readJun 4, 2021


What is Coaching

What coaching is, coaching is simply a way of getting more out of yourself than you can get on your own. It is a way of getting more out of your life than you’re probably able to get on your own. Here we will discuss today Consciousness Coaching is a bit different and not limited to your profession. It sounds a little bit out of zone as far as this coaching is concerned, isn’t it? Coaching mainly deliberate on our habitual thinking pattern, what we say our psychology, and address the issues that are not in sync with your goal. But here the work is done through your consciousness beyond psychology. That we will understand as we go ahead.

Here what is coaching, the coaching that elevates consciousness e.g. connecting to inner wisdom to create the desired, meaningful change. When I sit with a client over a few days or weeks or months or sometimes even years, I explore the nature I work with and ask questions, what it is to be alive and what’s possible for human beings, How can we go about it? Coaching can be broken down to 3 levels. At level one that’s performance coaching so I’m trying to help you get the best out of yourself in this moment so you may be get the best out of yourself now e.g. for a big conversation or a big meeting.

At level two coaches explore how do you get the best out of yourself in a whole arena like relationships, in business etc. So for that matter you go to a business coach or a relationship coach. If you want to be a speaker then you go to a speaking coach. So instead of just helping you with a particular situation a life coach is looking to help you with your whole life or a particular category of your life. Now the conversation becomes more transformative.

But here what is coaching? I call it transformative or consciousness coaching, a higher level of coaching or super coaching (here I will use transformative coaching or consciousness coaching alternatively). Here we are not looking for momentary solutions as stated above but we’re taking a deeper look at who we are and how we work and what life is and how life works so that it’s almost as though a whole new way of being in the world. What emerges here is you know yourself but a little bit better. It’s actually like I love Mercedes and I have Mercedes. It is like you have been released so that you can go where lies pure freedom, pure joy, unbridled aliveness.

That is to unleash you from all the ideas you’ve got about yourself about life, about the past about what’s possible and not possible. So you can experience yourself moving in the world with that level of freedom and joy and aliveness and in fact there are sort of three things that happen in a transformative coaching the first is you come alive, you wake up to.

It doesn’t matter if you think you already know who you are or if you have no idea who you are because it’s non-conceptual we’re not looking for you to come up with an answer like ah Who I am, I am this, I am That…etc, we’re looking for you, to have an experience of that inner aliveness that inner spark because when you come from that spark, a divine spark because it’s beyond our little human perspective it’s spiritual in nature. It is beyond the form. It’s before all the ideas that we all have about who we are, how lifeworks, when we live from that spark that you might see similar to a baby’s eye. It is an expression of joy that you might experience in yourself in any area of activity in life. Those moments are often talked about as flow or the zone or being in the state of grace. When you learn to find that place in yourself and live from it more and more. It lights you on fire, and that is part of the purpose of our time together, as this coaching assignment unfolds we wake up, come alive more and more and more.

Second we learn to navigate life beyond our psychology with consciousness coaching. While most coaching delivers on the ground of psychological parameters by fixing your psychology or you can say our habitual ways of thinking about life that really limit us logically here that part is sorted out and fixed. You find life so much easier to navigate and not only with more of this pure energy and aliveness coming through you but you’re going to commit less mistakes by default and that’s gonna do a world of good for you too.

Then the third thing that comes from a consciousness coaching is when you get to create a cool stuff in the world. What’s interesting in this process that in order to create the cool stuff, instead of working directly on that you will be guided to go about it a little bit differently because in order to create the cool stuff you need to be able to navigate relatively free of your psychology.

Real breakthroughs happen in the material world when a person’s thinking expands beyond normal human consciousness. Transformative or Consciousness Coaching is not limited to your profession. It is a progressive realisation of science of silence around you. How? Well this coach training program will impact how you show up in your life and transform you into a powerful source of inspiration for others. Coaching as a way of life will improve all your relationships not only with your business rather with your spouse, children, parents, colleagues or employees. It doesn’t matter whether you are an entrepreneur, a manager or someone looking for new opportunities. With Transformative or Consciousness Coaching your attitude, your life and communication can happen in flow. #ad

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